Friday, April 27, 2012

palette compost bins

made me some good ol palette compost bins the other day... still need to finish the lids on them then we are good to go!! no more giving my precious food waste to the city!

the palettes are all covered with 1/4 inch wire mesh to prevent rats and mice from getting in.... ill do a more detailed post later showing my terrible drawn plans etc....


I've been busy, so haven't updated this blog in a bit... but I'm planning on doing a few things this weekend int he garden... and finalizing my planting plan so I'll post updates hopefully sunday sometime....
seedlings are getting bigger.... kinda exciting!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

sedementation tess

trying a sedementation test with some soil at home.... we will see once it settles how it all pans out

Let the Gardening Begin!

The start of something beautiful

I'm going to attempt to document my food garden experience... mostly for me to keep track of things but also if someone happens to stumble upon my blog maybe they will find something useful on it.... I'm terrible with keeping up with blogs..... but I will try....
here goes nothing!