Monday, July 30, 2012

Broccoli Harvest

I had to harvest the broccoli over the weekend as it was starting to flower....  nice little yellow flowers... I left a few seed heads to grow, in hopes of saving some seed for next year, or maybe for the fall... apparently you can plant them in late summer and grow a winter/fall crop...  I'll look into it more... but for now I'll just let it go to seed whether for this year or next year.

I figured my wife and I wouldn't be able to eat all of the broccoli, plus we had some from the farmers market the other week so I decided to blanche and freeze all of the broccoli I had harvested...  Now ideally I wouldn't have frozen it on cookie sheets and then put that into bags or glass bottles... butI had nothing but glass bottles to store things in... so in they went after a little bit of blanching...  Hopefully they aren't top much of a pain in the ass  to remove from the bottle when I decide to use them later this year....

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